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Graphic patches

Many of you looked through all Inet for patches for Siemens S65. Now you can find the best patches here. If you have any graphic patch which is not in our collection please contact with us (look trough page "About Us" for more information how to contact with us). Before you'll install any patches please read this: "Direction for installing of graphic patches". Don't be afraid of installing graphic patches. If you are following direction and don't forget to backup you won't have any problems with your mobile phone.

Graphic patches for SW-version 58
Changing standard icons
Changing standard battery and receive level indicators
Battery and receive level indicators (like in phones of other producing companies)

Graphic patches for SW-version 53
Changing standard icons
Changing standard battery and receive level indicators
Battery and receive level indicators (like in phones of other producing companies)

Graphic patches for SW-version 50
Final solutions
Changing standard icons
Changing standard battery and receive level indicators
Battery and receive level indicators (like in phones of other producing companies)

Graphic patches for SW-version 43
Changing standard icons
Changing standard battery and receive level indicators
Changing standard battery and receive level indicators (final version)
Battery and receive level indicators (like in phones of other producing companies)

Graphic patches for SW-version 41
Changing standard icons
Changing standard battery and receive level indicators
Battery and receive level indicators (like in phones of other producing companies)

Graphic patches for SW-version 25
Changing standard icons
Changing standard battery and receive level indicators
Battery and receive level indicators (like in phones of other producing companies)

!!!We don't account any caused harm of users or another participants. If you are using any materials do not forget to backup your FullFlash and EEPROM before you will do anything with your phone!!!

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