You can't always find pictures in graphic patch, but you really want to install it. One note: SPC doesn't work on Windows 95, 98, 98 SE, ME. There is the second way for users who use this OS.
Russian programmist
!Freeman! has written programm
VkpTracer, and after that another programmist
ТараканMAN modified it to
VkpResolver. In fact, now we can move data from one address (which is used in patch) to another address (which you like).
Let us tell you how to work with the programm on the following examples
1. Picture (pictures) are in one offset.
; ##### Picture 1148 #####
00DA2404: 84B08800BC6FE6A0 84B08800BC6FE6A0
00E66FFC: DBDE13DBD60DBBD607BAD6029AD6129A FFFF02000003FFFFFDDFFF0000202102
00E6700C: CEFF3CE7021CE7051CDF12FCDE11FBDE 000078FFFF02DFFF02000003FFFFFE00
At the beginning you need to know empty memory spaces. You can get them with the help of V_Klay or using first way. Switch off the phone, connect it to your PC an then start V_Klay. Press "Флешер" ---> "Карта памяти" and then follow the programm's prompts.

Find strings with "empty".
First coloumn shows offset in FullFlash, second - size of memory space, third contains comments. You need to remember addresses of free memory spaces. You will write your graphic patch there.
When you know addresses of this memory blocks you can start installing of graphic patch.
First address - Enter first address in patch.
Final address - Enter final address in patch.
In our example it will be like this:
First address: 00E66FBC
Final address: 00E6700C
New first address - Show address of EMPTY memory space.
Try to correct HEX-links - Check this option anyway.
; ##### Picture 1148 #####
00DA2404: 84B08800BC6FE6A0 84B08800BC6FE6A0
Clear old data - Check this option anyway.

VkpTracer options.
After all this operations choose graphic patch which you want to install (it's addresses are entered in VKP Tracer's setup) and press button "Rework". Wait until programm will complete all operations and press "OK". Reworked patch will be in the folder with initial patch*_out.*. Our patch will have name Primer_1_out.vkp.
Compare patch before reworking and after it (reworked with the help of

Compare patch before this operations ("ДО") with after them ("ПОСЛЕ") .
Install final version of graphic patch.